Hey my loves,
This is a blog version of the TMI Tag to get you guys to know a bit about me. I feel like all I do here is post things about fashion and nothing really about me so here goes.. 

1) What are you wearing?
ASOS Black High-waisted jeans with a Blush Jumper from HM

2) Ever been in love?

3) Ever had a terrible break up?

4) How tall are you?
Last time I checked I was 5'1

5) How much do I weigh?
None of your beeswax-
No really I weigh 58kg- no shame

6) Any tattoos?
Hell no

7) Any piercings?
Yup. 3

8) OTP
Hmm, I have no idea what that means

9) Favourite Show?
Hmm that's a hard one. Friends. I still watch it even though I have seen it all.
But at the moment it would have to be JANE THE VIRGIN

10) Favourite band?
Nope, not a band person, soz

11) Something you miss?
Not paying bills. My great-aunt

12) Favourite Song?
At the moment, Nothing without you. Jason Nelson

13) How old are you?

14) Zodiac sign
Tbh, I'm not into zodiac signs

15) Quality you look for a partner
Well, first of all, God-fearing (Saved), faithful, 6ft and over, funny, kind etc.
Its a long list, honey

16) Favourite Quote
"Work hard in silence and let your success make the noise".  At the moment

Favourite actor
Bruce Willis, duh

18) Favourite color

19) Loud music or soft?
It depends. For a peaceful night in I would definitely go for soft music, jazz to be specific. But usually, its loud music; in the daytime.

20) Where do you go when you're sad?
Bed. I sleep when am sad; straight under the covers

21) How long does it take you to shower?
If am in a rush, 10 mins tops but usually 15-20 mins

22) How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Again, if am in a rush abut 30 mins. If its a date or a special one it takes me about an hour and half cos gurl I need to look gooood

23) Ever been in a physical fight?
Yeah. Growing up with four sisters wasn't easy. So much love though

24) Turn on?
A man in a suit (Yaaaaasss)

25) Turn off?
Bad grammar

26) The reason I joined Youtube?
Definitely does not apply here. Lol

27) Fears?
I'm scared of heights. Terrified. 
Fear of being broke, no one wants that. Nope

28) Last thing that made you cry?
Jane the virgin. This morning. 
 There were no tears, just a got a bit emotional, that's all

29) Last time you said you loved someone?
This morning, to my cutey little sister

30) Meaning behind your Youtube/ Blog name?
"VSN" stands for my full name: Verona Selasie Nortu

31) Last book you read?
The Bible, honey. This morning

32) The book you're currently reading?
Well, at the moment am reading a book on consumer law. Getting ready for third year. Nerd? I know

33) Last show you watched?
The Flash

34) Last person you talked to?
Big sister, few hours ago

35)  The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
Bestie (she's bae)

36) Favourite food?
It has to be Chimichangas with Guacamole. Love of my life 

37) Place you want to visit?
I've got quite a few but at the moment its Paris, hopefully in December

38) Last place you were?
Nottingham. Yesterday

39) Do you have a crush?
Yas. Bruce Willis my man

40) Last time you kissed someone?
Hmm, that am keeping to myself

41) Last time you were insulted?
Last night, by my lovely sister. Somehow called me a gold digger

42) Favourite flavour of sweet?
I'm not a huge sweets person but I love strawberries. Anything berry flavoured; count me in

43) What instruments do you play?
None but I do sing. And I would love to learn to play the piano. 
One day, hopefully.

44) Favourite piece of jewelry?
I'm not a jewelry person, I literally force myself to wear them. Truth!

45) Last sport you played?
Rugby, first year at uni

46) Last song you played?
Before the Throne- Shekinah Glory

47) Favourite chat up line? 
Do you have a name or can I call you mine? Just kidding. 
I have absolutely none!!!!!!!

48) Have you ever used it?

Nope, never

49) Last time you hung out with anyone?
Yesterday. Lunch with my lovely friend

50) Who should answer these questions next?
Anyone. It would be nice to get your readers to know more about you. 

Thanks to anyone who took time to read this.

Enjoy the rest of your week and don't forget to check out my other blog posts. 

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